Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

Our VITA tax program for 2024 Tax season will run from January 29 to April 4, 2025.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax preparation for households making $67,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English-language speakers. IRS certified volunteers can help you prepare your federal and state taxes with fast, electronic filing
Our VITA site relies on volunteer support and operates only during the active tax season (January 29- April 4). High intake volume during peak times may cause delays and assistance is limited during off season months, please be patient as our volunteers work to assist you.
Call (413) 442-3184 for assistance.
Choose how you want to file your 2024 tax returns:
Online Self-Preparation:
Prepare your own taxes from the comfort and safety of your home. MyFreeTaxes is a secure online self-prep site supported by United Way Worldwide for taxpayers with simple returns that make $71,000 or less.
Just upload your tax documents to start filing. Questions? Speak with IRS-certified specialists in English or Spanish via chat or phone.
In-Person Appointment Availability:
Community partner MCLA in North Adams, MA is able to offer in-person tax appointments to those taxpayers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Sit down with a VITA volunteer and complete your tax return in a single meeting. You can expect your appointment to last 60 - 90 minutes based on complexity. Remember to bring all you tax documents, photo ID, and proof of vaccination to your appointment. (2024 What to bring to your In person Appointment.docx
You must schedule an appointment to use this service. Appointments are offered starting mid-February through the beginning of April 2025. Call to schedule an appointment at (413) 442-3184.
Check out the helpful steps below to get ready for drop-off or appointments
No Contact Drop-off:
No appointment necessary - choose our drop-off method if you prefer one of our volunteers to prepare your return. You can gather your tax documents ahead of time and drop-off everything at one of our VITA sites during open hours. The self-service lobby is set up with everything you need to organize your papers including a copier, intake sheets, consent form, and document envelope. Tax preparers will work on your tax return and call you when it is ready. All tax returns prepared on site are reviewed with the taxpayer(s) for accuracy and are electronically filed following taxpayer(s) signature. This local drop-off process takes 5-10 business days to complete based on intake volume. Check out the helpful steps below to get ready for drop-off.
1.Check that your tax situation is in scope for our service. The VITA program is limited to simple returns.
2. Gather your tax documents and I.D. (copies or originals).
Full list of documents you may need (English and Español)
3. Complete your intake information sheet ahead of time or at drop-off.
2024 Intake Sheet (Haitian Creole)
4. Complete your consent form ahead of time or at drop-off.
Taxpayer consent Form (English)
Taxpayer consent Form (Español)
Taxpayer consent Form (French)
Taxpayer consent Form (Haitian Creole)
5. Complete State Question Sheet ahead of time or at drop-off.
State Question Sheet (English)
State Question Sheet (Español)
Tax preparers will work on your tax return and call you when it is ready. All tax returns prepared on site are reviewed with the taxpayer(s) for accuracy and are electronically filed following taxpayer(s) signature. This local drop-off process takes 5-10 business days to complete based on intake volume.
Your Civil Rights Are Protected
In accordance with federal law and the Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service policy, discrimination against taxpayers on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, sex, age, or reprisal is prohibited in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.
Taxpayers with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation and taxpayers with limited English proficiency may request language assistance to access service.
De acuerdo con la ley federal y la política del Departamento del Tesoro - Servicio de Impuestos Internos, la discriminación contra los contribuyentes basada en raza, color, origen nacional (incluso el dominio limitado del inglés), discapacidad, género (en los programas educativos o actividades), edad o represalia, está prohibida en los programas o actividades que reciben asistencia financiera federal.
Los contribuyentes con una discapacidad pueden solicitar acomodo razonable y contribuyentes con un dominio limitado del inglés podrán solicitar asistencia con el idioma para tener acceso al servicio.